Cornet Vincent Ségurel is the historical partner of many players in the world of transportation: carriers, logisticians, forklift operators and lifters, but also companies involved in food production and processing, sailing or cooperatives.
Thus in many areas as varied as the unusual transportation of boats/ships, collection of milk, transportation of industrial waste, warehousing of goods or leasing of chauffeur-driven vehicles, we assist our clients on a daily basis with advice in preparation of agreements, standard transportation terms and conditions, and with litigation in connection with transportation accidents or in ports, violations of law, specific collections in France and in the EU, for example.
Whether it involves public transportation or private, national or international, Cornet Vincent Ségurel understands the complex legal mechanisms and is well-acquainted with industry practices: commissions, successive freight deliveries, offset accounts, direct payment actions, specific regulatory constraints, etc.
Engagement in the airline industry has enriched our practice in recent years.
For several years, the development of e-commerce and remote online sales have caused Cornet Vincent Ségurel to become involved more and more often in problems relating to messaging.
Cornet Vincent Ségurel’s teams regularly take training and continuing legal education courses to keep up their level of technical expertise and pro-activeness at all times in an industry where our clients are subject to significant economic and legislative pressure. They mobilise various specialist areas of practice when a matter requires broadly based abilities to conduct a project or litigation successfully, always followed-up professionally.